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Discover how a relationship-focused email strategy can help you draw in new customers and retain old ones. 

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Why building an email list will help grow your business

No matter what your business is, you can't build an audience without first building an email list.

Email marketing is an essential part of any online business. The key to email marketing success is growing your email list so that you can reach more potential customers and help them take the next step in their journey towards making a purchase.

Gaining trust: Once someone subscribes to your email marketing, they’ll be more likely to buy from you because they know they’re getting information directly from you.

Getting people to take action: If someone is on your email list it means that you've captured their attention at some point (and hopefully given them value) so when it comes time for them to make a decision about something—like buying your products or services —you have a better chance at selling to them than if they weren't on the list at all.
In order to achieve your goals, it’s important to have a strategy.


An email list is a powerful tool for any business. It has the power to turn strangers into fans, turn fans into customers and turn customers into ambassadors. But if you don’t have an email list? You can’t harness its full potential. 

People will subscribe because they want the information that's being offered--and once they've subscribed they'll be more likely to take action on whatever products or services were mentioned in the course/email series/newsletter!


Your email list is a powerful tool for building an audience, gaining trust, and making sales. 

Need some help with your email marketing?

Book a free discovery call to find out how you can make more sales from email marketing.

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Does sending email marketing feels "icky"?

If you send the right mix of content and find the right tone of voice, it’s one of the most effective ways to keep in touch with your audience

Though often overlooked, email marketing is one of the most effective channels for reaching users who are either just beginning to consider purchasing your product or service, or who may be interested in your product or service.

By not sending email marketing, you miss out on a chance to serve your audience

Email Marketing is a fantastic way to connect with your audience and demonstrate how you can help them.

It's an important distinction to make; a subscriber is someone who has chosen to opt into your email marketing by providing their email address. They have given you permission to contact them about your services or products.

So rather than feeling icky or salesy, see email marketing as an opportunity to serve your audience, to help them solve a problem they have.

Remember why you started your business in the first place, I would imagine it is to help people solve a problem in their lives in some way so email marketing provides you with the perfect opportunity to help your audience.
It's like having an AI assistant who knows exactly what your subscribers want. And over time it will get better at understanding their preferences and writing more complex content with them in mind.

It'll even learn from past campaigns!

One of the reasons you may feel the ick is that you are sending too many salesy type emails, slow right down! There is no need to send promotional email after promotional email. Mix it up, share useful content that isn't all geared towards a purchase e.g. share content about your mission or a day in the life of your business or useful tips. Remember each customer is in a different stage of the buying journey so may need to get to know you a bit more first, ultimately the content you share is building brand awareness of your business, which will ultimately lead to sales.


Remember, people have chosen to subscribe to your email marketing - they want to hear from you

Balance a mix of promotional emails with other types of content

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Email content ideas for service-based businesses

Here are some ideas to keep your content fresh and inspiring 



Are you a service-based business and looking for some content inspiration?

Email marketing is a powerful and effective way to drive traffic to your website.

1) Welcome email sequences

Video content is a fantastic way to showcase your service. Use short videos to educate your audience on what it is you offer and how others have benefitted from working with you. Create a short series of emails that you can send via your weekly or fortnightly newsletter. 

2) Video content

3) Social proof

4) Limited-time offers

5) Create value through a blog

We love to social proof by hearing about other people's experiences before we buy. By sharing positive testimonials, you are building credibility around your brand. Email marketing is about building long lasting relationships and so by sharing testimonials you spark interest and curiosity for new prospective clients/customers to want to find out more!

Particularly if you are a new service-based business a blog is a useful way to share your knowledge, experience and experience. Remember that people need to know, like and trust you before they want to work with you. Think of 3-5 questions that you regularly get asked and create blog posts on these topics, then share via email marketing. Run out of ideas? Ask your audience what they would like to see more of through a poll. Blogs are a great way to keep your audience engaged.

Try any of these content ideas for your service-based business and see what resonates! The great thing about email marketing is you get to see results!

Need support bringing these ideas to life and guidance on how to implement?
How are you maximising automations for your business?

I create automated email sequences, personalised to every business and would be happy to chat through your goals.

Book a call and I will provide you with 1-2 top tips to share some ways you can generate more revenue from your email marketing without the effort.

As a service-based business time-limited offers are a great way to boost sales, particularly as they drive action through urgency. Time-limited offers could be for selected customer segments, making them feel special as they are exclusive in nature. Using email marketing to deliver these offers will keep your schedule full and a lot of repeat business comes from your existing clients/customers.

By creating a welcome sequence you can introduce your services over a series of emails, making it easier to digest. The welcome sequence is an important first impression and helps set the scene for what someone can expect by working with you. What's your story? Why did you set up your business, who are serving? If you already have a welcome email, it's not too late to create a full sequence for new clients/customers.

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Email content ideas for product-based businesses

Here are some ideas to keep your content fresh and inspiring 



Are you a product-based business and looking for some content inspiration?

Email marketing is a powerful and effective way to drive traffic to your website.

1) Behind the scenes

Providing exclusive early-bird access to a new product launch via email is a great way to build loyalty with your customers.
The launch raise awareness of your new product, create hype and to generate sales through pre-orders. Your customer base will feel rewarded and are more likely to repeat purchase in the future.

2) New product launches

3) Top 3-5 Best-sellers

4) Customer reviews

5) Share why you started your business

Sharing recent best-sellers to your customer base will help inspire them with their next purchase. My top tip for taking this one step further is to personalise based on what they last purchased to make the email content even more relevant. This depends on whether you know what your customer's interests/preferences are.

What inspired you to start your business? By sharing your story you can help build awareness and drive engagement to your brand. What is your vision for your business. We all have a story to tell, what's yours?

We tend to seek reassurance before we purchase a product or service. Customer reviews help us alleviate risk and provide reassurance. A round up of customers reviews via email can help show how you have helped others with your products and the benefit and impact your products have had. It's very powerful in attracting new customers.

What goes on behind the scenes in your business? Your customers are engaging with your brand and by sharing a 'day in the life' you are taking them on a journey with you. You could include the making of your product, your creative process or designs of new product ideas. Customers love seeing what goes on behind the scenes and this helps build an authentic way to connect with them and builds trust.

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Why your marketing emails aren't converting


* Do you spend a lot of time on your email marketing but with little or no return?

* Have you a decent sized email-marketing list but it's generating minimal sales for your business? 

* Are you getting little or no engagement from your email marketing?

The days of 'spray and pray' mass email sends are over. Sending content that is of no interest to your base will result in disengagement and even worse, an increase in unsubscribes. Segmenting your lists are crucial to help serve your customers with the most relevant, useful content for their needs. 

Here are some reasons why your marketing emails are not converting:

1) You're not segmenting your lists

2) Your content mix isn't right

4) Poor calls to action (CTA's)

If you are sending only sales-type emails then think about how you can introduce engaging content that adds value into your send plan without the hard-sell. If you are sending lots of engagement emails then think about how you can introduce your services/products that can help solve your customer's pain points. The key is getting the balance right.

Calls to action (CTA's) are key to any marketing campaign. What action do you want your customer to take? Make sure your CTA's are prominent, clear and simple so that the customer understands how to buy from you.

Perhaps your content isn't engaging and you are failing to deliver something of value that sparks interest and curiosity with your customer base. On average we receive 120 emails* per day so your email needs to have some stand out. If you find it hard to craft the words, hire someone who can help you write killer copy that converts!

3) Your copy is dull

5) You aren't looking at your insights

The great thing about digital marketing is that everything we do has a footprint and can be tracked. Insights about your email marketing performance can tell you a lot about where you are going wrong for example, if you are failing to get people to open your emails try testing different types of copy, be brave and try something different and take a look at what is working and what isn't. Continue to test, test, test.

*Email Statistics report 2015-2019

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What's your Value Proposition and why do you need one?


Your value proposition summarises why a customer would choose your product or service

This is a simple statement that summarises what you offer that is different and better than your competitors. It should be clear and concise and easy to understand.

Firstly, why is it important to have a value proposition?

What are your customer pain points?

What makes you different vs your competitors?

Is your proposition credible?

Define your Unique Selling Point (USP) what sets you apart from your competitors and gives you that edge? Perhaps you are in a highly competitive market, in what ways can you stand out? e.g. your brand is all about sustainability and this is demonstrated through the type of products you sell? It's worth taking a look at your competitors and observing what sets them apart.

How can you communicate your proposition in a credible way? This could be achieved by demonstrating why you are the expert in your area or sharing your experiences. Perhaps you experienced the same challenges as your customer so you have walked in their shoes.

Are your customers clear on your offering and are you clearly communicating the benefits of your product or service? When thinking about the benefits of your offering, think about how it will specifically solve your customers' pain points, how does it make your customer's life better? Be descriptive here, you want to make this as clear as possible.

Is your proposition clear and easy to understand?

Validate your proposition

Ask your customers about your proposition, are they clear on what you offer and how it can solve their pain points? Could it be clearer? Customer feedback is useful insight and can be gained through surveys, focus groups and via your website.

Your value proposition is important as it informs the customer of what your product or service is and why it is better than your competitors.

Here are some considerations to make in creating your value proposition:

Think about what need or problem you are solving for your customers and how your product or services helps solve their problem. Get really clear on what your customers wants, needs and fears are.

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How well do you know your customers?


We often start out with an idea of who we think our customers are however often we can be surprised about who our customers really are. 

Why is it important to know who my customers are? 

2) What analytics platforms do you have currently set up?

3) Create a persona of your best customer

Start to build up a picture of who your best customer is e.g. She's between 25-35, lives in a city, has a family and shops frequently on Etsy
Don't worry if you don't have much to go on, the gaps can be filled in as you get to know your customer base.

Your email platform is a good starting point to see who is interacting with your email content.
What data insights can you obtain from your social media platforms? This type of data can help you understand demographics, how they are interacting with your content e.g. mobile vs desktop and what content they are engaging with
By having this information, we can see what is working and what isn't working. You might find that 70% of your paid marketing is consumed on mobile so try adapting more of your content to suit mobile.

1. What do you know so far?

4) Run a focus group

Running a small focus group, either virtually or in real life, is a great way to get to know your customers
It doesn't have to be expensive, you can use a product or service giveaway or a discount to incentivise your audience for a 1-2 hour session with you
Use that time to validate your assumptions

Getting to know who our customers are is beneficial for your business and your customers. By better understanding your customers wants and needs, we can best serve them with the right products &/or services, this is likely to lead to increased customer satisfaction and a better likelihood of them returning to repeat purchase.

When we start a business, we have some of our own preconceptions of who our customers are however it's important to validate these assumptions. This can be done in a number of ways.

Here are some top tips:

The reality is we may know very little beyond a list of email addresses. There are lots of ways to collect customer data for example what do your customer reviews say? What sort of feedback are you receiving about your products and services?

5) Listen to customer feedback

Implement simple customer feedback mechanics across social media and your website
This is a great way to get to know your customers.
Are you struggling with any of these in your business? Have you spent hours, days, weeks trying to figure out how to make more sales from your marketing emails?